Paper Horse Media

Sarah Eakin reports on all things horse

America dictates overseas horse market – Barry O’Connor

Ireland’s Barry O’Connor has observed a change in the show jumper import market since coming to WEF for the past 20 years.

“America really drives the showjumping market and it sets the standard needed for the majority of breeding and production market in Europe as well,” said Barry. “The course builders standard in materials used, time allowed and distances is progressively getting faster and lighter. When you look at what they build for the Juniors, it’s amazing how the standard keeps getting higher.

Barry O'Connor and Asta Torokvei
Ireland’s Barry O’Connor working with Canada’s Asta Torokvei at The Ridge in Loxahatchee Groves. Photo: Sarah Eakin

“It used to be the nice easy going horses that got around but now they’ve built the distances a little bit longer and times tighter so you need a more careful and blood horse, a horse that can gallop and win. America dictates the standard of the industry – of what kind of horses you need. People breed towards that, people produce towards that, they ride towards that. What happens here creates ripples in Europe.”

Barry was 10 years in business with fellow Irishman and leading show jumper Conor Swail, but has his own business producing, trading and training and has brought four horses with him from Ireland this season – the first time he has imported horses for the show in a while. It is a calculated decision. “It’s important to visit your market and by taking part in the sport over here it brings you obviously closer,” he said.

Jenny Rankin and Ibiza
Jenny Rankin and Ibiza braved the rain in the 3* 1.40m Photo: Sarah Eakin

Jenny Rankin, also from Ireland, works with Barry, and will show Ibiza, one of their four charges, in this week’s 1.40m and 1.45m. The 11-year old Dutch Warmblood, bay gelding is owned by the Blackwood Group, four owners, consisting of three WEF competitors, Liz Phillips,  Janet Vanderslice and Leslie Richman as well as Ireland’s Liam Clancy. The horse was bought from Lothorien and has been jumping between 3 and 5-star shows in Europe last year.  It is the start of a 2024 WEF campaign that Barry is looking forward to.

“America has given lots of chances to Irish people and lots of people from around the world and for me it’s the best business circuit,” he said. “I’m excited to be here. America always rewards you if you put in the effort and give a service.”

This could be interesting:

Laura Kraut to launch 2024 Olympic campaign at WEF

