Paper Horse Media

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Bold decision pays off for Jad Dana in WEF Grand Prix

Jad Dana’s bold decision going into the jump off riding ABC Quantum Cruise in the $75,000 Grand Prix paid off with a victory over 19 of his peers, as the opening week of the Winter Equestrian Festival came to a close.

Jad Dana and ABC Quantum Cruise enjoying their victory lap. Photo: Sarah Eakin

“I was thinking should I just play it safe and go for a double clear or should I give it a go?” he said as he entered the arena knowing that Germany’s Richard Vogel – ranked 10th in the world – and 10-year old Hanoverian chestnut gelding Cydello, had set the bar with the first clear in a fast round of 38.12. 

“Everybody knows Richard is super fast, he’s a super rider. I knew I went fast but I didn’t think I was a whole second faster,” said Jad who finished in a time of 37.03.

Jad Dana and ABC Quantum Cruise

Eight competitors took the international ring for the jump off with Columbian Robert Teran Tafur riding Santana, chasing Jad’s time as the only other rider to go clear. He finished in 39.46 seconds to give him third place.

ABC Quantum Cruise, is a relative newcomer to Jad’s string and the pair had claimed a victory in Wellington International during the 4-star week in December. “He’s already been successful with other riders,” said the Lebanese rider. “So I hope I can be as successful and even more.”

Jad sees Quantum’s attributes as being strong and quick. “He has one speed and that’s really fast,” said Jad. “You have to try to keep him as relaxed as possible – make him feel good. He fought for me today. This win is huge for our partnership. I honestly didn’t think I was going to win but it was my day today.”

This could be interesting:


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